Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Working on sound portrait and website

I'm finishing up on my sound portrait today. The work I did at Edison last Wed did not get saved on my thumb drive so I had to start at the beginning. The sound portrait is a little over 7 minutes now so I'm trying to trim it a little.

I also worked on my "Go Green" website over the weekend. Lost count of how many Flash tutorials I watched and/or participated in. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it...finally!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Working on video

I've been working on my video the past couple of days. I think I have all images imported and a general idea of what I want to do. Now I just have to create the animation. That should be fun! I've been staring at my computer screen for 30 minutes now...

Friday, October 16, 2009

So, you think the President is on your side...

Think again. Watch what he does, not what he says. The president has a way about him that makes you believe he's on your side, but then goes back to the white house and proceeds with his agenda. Notice in his last speech about health care - you know, the one where he had to put all the "rumors" to rest - we need universal health care to get insurance to all those that don't have it, illegal aliens will not be covered, no taxes will be increased, nothing will be added to the deficit... Well, let's see, the current bill just recently voted on by Congress leaves 25 million people without insurance, but at a huge price tag. Our taxes are likely to increase and the deficit will grow, if not in the first 10 years (where they always stop charting the costs), it will happen shortly thereafter. And, illegal aliens could end up with coverage if the bill extends that far (they are included in the 25 million left uninsured now) because, guess what, the president is going to change those rules and automatically make all those illegal aliens, legal.

How can we trust the government to run a universal healthcare plan when the programs they are responsible for are about bankrupt...post office, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid? And, we're watching them spend trillions of dollars we don't have. Do they really think the average Americans are fooled and we believe we can spend our way to prosperity?

We are in serious trouble here unless we peacefully stand up and let our voices be heard. Stop the spending. Drop the "Obamacare" plan and let's really focus on fixing the health care systems. Deal with the illegal aliens and secure our borders. Reduce the size of government and keep the government out of the private sector. We can force change but first we have to stand up and be heard!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sound portrait

I've been working on creating my sound portrait and it's much more difficult to do than what I thought it would be. I started out by picking a topic for the sound portrait and interviewing the person I had chosen. Once that was complete, I starting writing my narrative to go with it. Now that I'm trying to plan how to put it all together, I'm finding that some of the answers don't quite fit with the information I've found for the narrative. Hmmm. More research or ask more questions?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Too funny - just had to share!

Embedded video from CNN Video

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Voice blog

Sedaris' writing had a conversational tone to it. It did seem as though he was speaking directly to me by the sentence structure and punctuation he used. It came across to me as sarcastic and somewhat funny. His essay was much funnier on the audio as compared to written form. But, I think that may be due to hearing other people's laughter - because laughter can be infectious - than Sedaris reading his essay. It seemed he was relying on his words, rather than personality, to make it funny. It seemed awkward.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Adobe Flash

Started some tutorials this week so I could learn to use Flash and eventually create interactive content for a website. Started at the very beginning with lesson one so I could learn to use the tools, learn to draw, organizing and layering, etc. Well, I was supposed to draw a fish in lesson three. I did, but it really didn't look like a fish. I think it looked more like a pig with fins. I'm thinking of starting over...

Like grade school kids on a playground

I'm disgusted by the behavior of our government. Have you seen worse behavior anywhere else except maybe on a grade school playground? Name-calling and finger-pointing are not going to get us anywhere. I hope our enemies aren't watching. With all the in-fighting going on in Washington, we probably look like lame ducks to them.

I'm so tired of hearing what the President wants. I'm so tired of hearing what people in Congress want. How about what the American people want? We're trying to speak up. We're trying to let our government know how we feel. Are they listening? It doesn't appear so. Their response comes in the form of more name-calling and finger-pointing. Haven't you had enough?

Check out rasmussenreports.com for some polling information that will let you know what Americans think. Washington needs to take a good, long look at these results. You'll find some of the following poll results:

*President’s approval rating only 49% in 9/09 as compared to 62% in 1/09.

*Only 41% of voters favor the health care reform proposed by the President. And that's after all of his interviews on TV.

*83% of the voters say legislation should be posted online in final form for everyone to read before it gets voted on. And I think they'd like Congress to actually read it too!

*Only 33% of the voters say the US is heading in the right direction.

*59% of voters believe that the current level of political anger in the country is higher than it was when GWB was president.

I also just read results to this question posted by AT&T/Yahoo:

The president's progress with the battered economy has been both praised and criticized. How well are his efforts measuring up with you?

80% of 3,257,159 voters answered - Not well at all. His plans are hurting more than helping.

If you've had enough, speak up!