Friday, October 16, 2009

So, you think the President is on your side...

Think again. Watch what he does, not what he says. The president has a way about him that makes you believe he's on your side, but then goes back to the white house and proceeds with his agenda. Notice in his last speech about health care - you know, the one where he had to put all the "rumors" to rest - we need universal health care to get insurance to all those that don't have it, illegal aliens will not be covered, no taxes will be increased, nothing will be added to the deficit... Well, let's see, the current bill just recently voted on by Congress leaves 25 million people without insurance, but at a huge price tag. Our taxes are likely to increase and the deficit will grow, if not in the first 10 years (where they always stop charting the costs), it will happen shortly thereafter. And, illegal aliens could end up with coverage if the bill extends that far (they are included in the 25 million left uninsured now) because, guess what, the president is going to change those rules and automatically make all those illegal aliens, legal.

How can we trust the government to run a universal healthcare plan when the programs they are responsible for are about office, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid? And, we're watching them spend trillions of dollars we don't have. Do they really think the average Americans are fooled and we believe we can spend our way to prosperity?

We are in serious trouble here unless we peacefully stand up and let our voices be heard. Stop the spending. Drop the "Obamacare" plan and let's really focus on fixing the health care systems. Deal with the illegal aliens and secure our borders. Reduce the size of government and keep the government out of the private sector. We can force change but first we have to stand up and be heard!

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