I'm working on this project today as well as over the next several days. When I started this project by creating my plan assessment, doing research and watching and/or participating in several hours of Flash tutorials, it seemed very overwhelming. The part that made it overwhelming at first was the technical side of it. But, now that I'm getting into it and starting to build the website, the technical side seems much easier and now I'm having trouble with the creative part of this project. Every time I sit down to work on this project, my creative side totally freezes up. I can lay in bed at night and come up with all kinds of good ideas, but when I sit down in front of the computer, I draw a complete blank. I'm beginning to think that I'll have to get up in the middle of the night to work on the project -- to take advantage of when my creative side kicks in!!!
Maybe you could keep a notepad or even a digital audio recorder on your nightstand so when the inspiration strikes you can keep a note.