Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Off topic - movies

Took a break from watching the news and saw two movies last week. First movie up was The Informant. It was not as funny as the commercials make it out to be. It was interesting to learn that for all of Mark Whitacre's efforts to bring down upper management for price fixing (so he could run the company), he ended up in jail for embezzling somewhere between 5 - 12 million dollars. He essentially turned himself in. True story. The movie was okay but not necessarily worth the ticket price and a tub of popcorn. FYI - I did not eat all of that myself!.

Also saw Love Happens. It was a typical Jennifer Aniston movie...she falls in love again! Go figure!

Okay, back to the news!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Status report for Net 202S

In preparation for creating the digital media project required for this class, I'm doing research today. I'm reading information from websites I've bookmarked about reducing carbon footprints, global warming, etc. In addition to that, I'm working on my plan outline, contacting individuals and/or business owners that I believe would like to be involved and discussing an expected outcome with them.

I have also roughed up some ideas for the home page of this website and started gather images that I think would be appropriate. Have also been thinking about what interactive elements I'll include on the website.

I hope to create a website that is interesting instead of the boring, text-heavy websites and reading material I've come across so far.

It's a good thing I went back and reviewed all of the assignment documents posted so far, because I missed the status report section the first couple of times through!!

More to follow!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No tough questions!

Did you watch the latest round of Obama talks on Sunday? Same old stuff, right? Nobody wants to ask any tough questions any more. I guess they approve of the waste of our tax dollars and the potential for the government to control every aspect of our lives. The president did get asked one tough question about the corruption uncovered in Acorn. His answer was unbelievable! It appears that Acorn isn't even on his radar screen! How can that be? Hasn't he said in past campaign rallies, speeches, etc., that he's worked closely with Acorn during his career? He didn't know that Acorn was getting any federal funds? Didn't know that the Senate voted to cut funding for this corrupt group? Hard to believe, right? Shouldn't our president be working to eliminate tax fraud, insurance fraud, voter fraud, etc.? What does that say about him? It will be interesting to see what he does when the bill lands on his desk to sign. If he doesn't sign it, there will be a great deal of public outrage. Even if our government thinks that the millions of dollars Acorn has already received is nothing compared to the big picture, the average joe thinks otherwise!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Racist - seriously??

Have you heard the news and seen the pictures about the 9/12 project and tea party in Washington DC or around the country? Chances are you haven't unless you surf the Internet and/or watch Fox News. If you listen to "mainstream" media or the government, it was a small event - hardly worth a mention - with about 15,000 people in attendance (as opposed to the tens of thousands that did go). And did you know, the people in attendance were labelled as an angry mob, trailer trash, ignorant, wackos, Nazis, uninformed, right-wing extremists, stupid or racists? RACISTS?

I had two members of my family attend the march in DC and they fall under none of those labels listed above. Their label is "concerned American". We have pictures of families, children, grandparents, veterans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, African-Americans, whites, Hispanics and many others from different cultures and backgrounds who are concerned about the spending AND policies of the government...not just Obama, but most of the people that make up our government today. And really, it's not only what is going on today, but what has been happening the past several years. It just so happens that the huge spending, broken promises and the current policies are the "straw that broke the camel's back". And it happens to be under Obama's watch...our first black president.

For the most part, government seems to be ignoring these concerned Americans, not taking the time to understand the problem or choosing to ignore what they hear. And, by calling these concerned Americans names, only serves to make them angrier. Why won't they listen? Because it doesn't fit in with their agenda?

I am a 40-something woman, married with two kids, a house, two cars and a dog, living in a small town in Ohio. I never paid much attention to politics or what was going on in Washington until this last presidential election. I don't believe we had a good choice of presidential candidates. I guess I thought that our government was looking out for our best interest, had our backs, and there was no reason to pay attention. Boy, was I wrong! As I understand it, there are more people out there just like me. They have had enough. With the economy the way it is, and the unemployment rate rising, the salaries of the government officials, the corruption that has been uncovered, the out-of-control spending, etc., they have had enough! Americans are angry and worried.

I am a concerned American. I am not a racist. Just because I speak out against the insane spending and policies of our government doesn't make me anything other than a concerned citizen. Seriously.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Culture of Corruption

I'm reading the book Culture of Corruption by Michelle Malkin. It's a good book that reveals the corruption in our government. It's definitely worth a read!

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/12/09 Tea parties

There will be tea parties all across the country on 9/12, giving Americans the opportunity to show their concern for what is happening in our country. Some members of my family will be among the thousands going to Washington DC tomorrow for the march at 11:30. Do you want the government telling you what you can and can't do in every aspect of your life? Do you want government taking over health care? Do you agree with some of the Czars' agendas - how about the crazy idea that pets can hire lawyers and sue their owners? If not, find a Tea Party near you and express your concerns. Peaceful demonstrations can create change!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Great book!

I recently read Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government and found it to be an excellent book. It's a great wake-up call for Americans!

Friday, September 4, 2009

What's happening to America?

We are living in troubling times right now. It's hard for me to grasp what the government is spending, doing and trying to change. It appears to me that they are acting out for their own best interests, following their lust for power and money, and could care less about the citizens of this country. I'm proud of the Americans that have been standing up and asking questions, speaking their minds, and expressing their concerns at the town hall meetings. What's unbelievable is the treatment of our government employees towards these people. I mean really - we're stupid, we're ignorant, we know nothing about economics...especially at the government level (which is so much different than how it works for regular Joe's or other businesses). Seriously? For instance, if I thought is was true to spend more money and go into debt to create wealth, then I would have run up my credit cards a long time ago.

I appreciate anyone (like Glenn Beck) who brings stuff to our attention and in a way that we can understand. Of course, they are getting crucified for being nut jobs when actually they are just passionate about making sure all Americans are informed and understand what's going on. In my opinion, if you want to find some real nuts, you don't have to look any farther than Washington DC.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Welcome to my blog! In this blog, you'll read my thoughts, learn about books I've read, what's going on with my new business and hear all about my concerns for our country. In addition, I'll share other blogs I read.