Have you heard the news and seen the pictures about the 9/12 project and tea party in Washington DC or around the country? Chances are you haven't unless you surf the Internet and/or watch Fox News. If you listen to "mainstream" media or the government, it was a small event - hardly worth a mention - with about 15,000 people in
attendance (as opposed to the tens of thousands that did go). And did you know, the people in
attendance were labelled as an angry mob, trailer trash, ignorant,
wackos, Nazis, uninformed, right-wing extremists, stupid or racists? RACISTS?
I had two members of my family attend the march in DC and they fall under none of those labels listed above. Their label is "concerned American". We have pictures of families, children, grandparents,
veterans, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, African-Americans, whites,
Hispanics and many others from different cultures and backgrounds who are concerned about the spending AND policies of the government...not just Obama, but most of the people that make up our government today. And really, it's not only what is going on today, but what has been happening the past several years. It just so happens that the huge spending, broken promises and the current policies are the "straw that broke the camel's back". And it happens to be under
Obama's watch...our first black president.
For the most part, government seems to be ignoring these concerned Americans, not taking the time to understand the problem or choosing to ignore what they hear. And, by calling these concerned Americans names, only serves to make them angrier. Why won't they listen? Because it doesn't fit in with their agenda?
I am a 40-something woman, married with two kids, a house, two cars and a dog, living in a small town in Ohio. I never paid much attention to politics or what was going on in Washington until this last presidential election. I don't believe we had a good choice of presidential candidates. I guess I thought that our government was looking out for our best interest, had our backs, and there was no reason to pay attention. Boy, was I wrong! As I understand it, there are more people out there just like me. They have had enough. With the economy the way it is, and the unemployment rate rising, the salaries of the government officials, the corruption that has been uncovered, the out-of-control spending, etc., they have had enough! Americans are angry and worried.
I am a concerned American. I am not a racist. Just because I speak out against the insane spending and policies of our government doesn't make me anything other than a concerned citizen. Seriously.